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The Literary Magazine of the World Languages of Midwood High School at Brooklyn College
Men usinmdagi tom bu mening uyimdir. U bir uy emas balki koshona.Agar sening ustingda tom bulsa, qorining tuq, yuzingda kulgi sen uz uyingdasan, nafaqat uy balki jannatda. Chunki sen noshukurlik qilgan narsalar birovlarning orzusidir. Agar mening ustimda tom bulsa oila azolri sog’salomat va baxtli bulsa, harbir insoning yuzida kulgu va ustol ustida ovqat eng asosiysi ustimizda tom u mening uyimdir. Va ustimizda shifer bulsa bu jannat bilingki men millionlarning ozrusi ichra suzypman.
The place I call home is my roof on top of my family. Once you have a roof on top of your head and your stomach is full, you are a happy person. If your family is safe, has good health, and most importantly you all have a smile on your face, that place is not just a home but a paradise. Many people out there with no food or roof on top of them are grateful for what they have. Perhaps something you own and don't want is someone else's wish. As long as I'm with my loved ones safely, food on my table, a roof on top of my head, that is not only my home, but my kingdom. I am living the dreams of millions. I don't need luxury but a family that has a roof to have a perfect paradise. It doesn't matter if I don't have the things I really want. As long as my loved ones are next to me, I'm in my home.
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