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)。最开始隔离的时候有很多事情做,但现在我们家已经到无聊阶段了。但如果回想起来,还是有很多收获的。由于时间变多了,我炸厨房加毒我妈我弟的机会也变多了。在家这段时间,我做了千层蛋糕和薯条,都蛮难吃的。。。嗯 我弟我妈都是我的白老鼠。我和我弟还一起做了汉堡,咖啡(给我妈的),炸鸡,和芋圆。我爸看了很多电视剧,我妈,我弟,和我, 每天会一起做健身。虽然说我妈和我其实一直想鸽加偷懒(?)。这段时间,我妈还研究出来新的食谱,我和我弟也发现了新的方便面(耶?)
了库珀联盟的雕塑课,但是由于冠状病毒的爆发,我们的课被移到了网上。在远程学习期间,我们被老师要求制作视频关于“自我”,因为家里没雕塑材料。在此之前,我从未拍摄过任何东西,但也因为这样,我尝试了新的东西,也学到了新的知识。我学会了使用绿屏, 编辑,等。后来,也尝试了制作动漫。我觉得收获满满。。。吧。。应该。。。嗯。总结就是很开心没有呆在原地,然后这段时间也有进步,还了新技能和兴趣。我想可以出门的时候和朋友一起去动物园和博物馆。我想给她们录视频,然后回去玩剪辑。嘿嘿。 为了能快点安全的出去,现在还是老实待在家里叭!奥利给!世界和平!

Quarantine had grown to be pretty boring...yep. At first, I am pretty worried about remote
learning because I might be able to not understand what’s taught, however, I think I did a pretty good job (yay?). During quarantine, my brother and I cooked and baked many things. We made fried chicken, burgers, coffee, and yuyan. My dad discovered many new dramas. My brother, my mom, and I started exercising. My mom also discovered new cooking recipes. My brother and I

discovered new ramens(?). My mom also started to plant green onions. It’s creepy, my brother and I want to destroy the plant, but our mom could be scarier, so we didn’t. During quarantine, I also acquired new skills and new interests. This spring, I participated in sculpting class on Saturdays, but due to the outbreak, the rest of our class was moved online. During remote learning, our final project was to film a video about our alter egos. In the process, I learned editing, green screen, and later on, animation. I am grateful that I acquired something new, at a time like this. When the quarantine ends, I want to go to the zoo and the museum with my friends. I want to film them videos, and I want to edit the clips together, in editing software. So for now, let’s stay home, and hope that I can go to the zoo and museum soon.

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