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Había una chica. Se llama Jay. Jay se encanta todos los personas encontrar. Pero los personas, su amigos, y su família no se acuerdan en ese forma. Ella abraza todos los personas, da regalos a su amigos, y está muy divertido. ¿Por qué nadie se acuerdan Jay en ese forma?


El pasado de Jay es muy mal. Jay fue una hija de dos padres. Los padres encanta mucho Jay. Ella se encanta todos los persones, pero ella encanta su hermana Jean más. Jean fue una psiquiatra. Ella encanta su pacientes, y su pacientes encanta Jean mucho. Los pacientes encuentran a Jay muchos veces, y encantan Jay también.   


Fue una día cuando un hombre entra la clínica repentinamente.

“¡Fue un accidente, yo juro!”, el hombre grité.

“¿Qué fue? Hablar un poco lento por favor”, dijo Jean.

“Estaba caminar al pasar por alto de la ciudad en la noche. Mi esposa amenazó a salir si yo no pasé más tiempo con ella. Nosotros empezamos a pelear y ella empujéme. No pude soportar algo más. Ella carguéme y yo regate. Ella caé encima el balcón. Estaba muy oscuro. Yo corrí aquí antes de alguien vi” dijo el hombre.

“Quiero decir con Jay por un momento por favor” dijo Jean.


Ellas hablan sobre la situación. Jean quiso llamada la policía, pero Jay encanta mucho los pacientes. Ella quiso esconder el hombre. Las chicas empezaron a pelear hasta Jean comenzó llamada la policía. Jay agarró el teléfono y tiró. Jean oponerse al hombre y el sabe. El hombre atacó Jean con una silla. Jay quiso vengar Jean porque ella encanta Jean mucho. Jay asesinó el hombre. Ella habló rápidamente que pasó a sus padres. Cuando la policía llegó, Jay estaba culpar para el asesinato de Jean, y el hombre. Jay fue ejecutar y no recuerdó para su amoroso. Solamente sus padres supieron la verdad y encanta Jay todavía.

There was once a girl named Jay who loved everyone. While she showed her affection to friends, family, and strangers, no one remembered her that way. She would hug strangers, give gifts to her friends, and be that one very persistent family member everyone loves. So why didn't anyone remember her that way?

Jay’s past was very dark. She started out as a child of two loving parents who absolutely adored her. Jay loved everyone back then as well. She loved one person more than any, her sister. She was named Jean. Jean was a psychiatrist. She would always talk about how much she loved her patients, and how much her patients loved her. J would often get to know these patients, and they soon came to love her as much as they loved her sister.


One day, a patient came in to confess what he had done the previous night.

“I swear it was an accident, I swear!” he cried uncontrollably.

“Wait, what was? Talk slower” said Jean.

“I was out on my nightly stroll to the city overlook with my wife when she threatened to leave me if i didn’t spend more time with her. We started arguing a little, and it got a little out of hand when she started shoving me. I couldn't take it anymore so when i saw her charging at me, I stepped aside, and she fell over the balcony. It was dark, so I couldn't see her. I ran here before anyone could see me” he said.

“I want to speak with Jay for a moment, please” said Jean.


Jean went aside to talk to Jay. Jean wanted to call the police, and let them deal with the “murderer”. However, Jay loved their patients too much to let that happen, so she proposed to hide the man in the shop until they figure out what else to do with him. They argued for a bit until Jean picked up the phone and started dialing 911. Jay took the phone and threw it away. At that point, the patient know Jean wasn't on his side, so she hit jean on the head with a chair. Jay loved Jean deeply, and wanted to avenge her. She murdered the man and disposed of his body. She hurriedly went to tell her parents what happened. At that point, she had to explain to the police what had happened, but she was accused of murdering two people, her sister, and the man. She was executed, and her legacy of unconditional love was swept aside. She was remembered as a murderer. The only people who will ever know the truth are her parents, who will love her for eternity.

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