The Literary Magazine of the World Languages of Midwood High School at Brooklyn College
My Father
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I have plenty of people to thank for helping me get through the toughest part of my life so far. Most importantly, my hero is my father. Whenever I have a problem, usually about my mother or my sister, he is almost always there to lend an ear even when he’s working. This is probably because he’s not home often, only once a week, for me to grow tired of seeing him. I never really thought about how grateful I am for him until during the pandemic because my friends in school were keeping me company. However during this time, I am unfortunately stuck inside my house with no soundproof walls. This means that I’m surrounded by loud noise and arguments everyday. This makes it extremely difficult for me to concentrate on my homework, and sometimes I can’t even hear my teacher speaking in a Google Meet. Though, it’s probably my own issues because I’m sure some others have it worse than me. He has taught me a lot and given me advice that has blown my mind. This includes how to stop worrying about what others do, focus on myself, and to not waste my only life.