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Mi abuelo es mi héroe


La vida siempre nos da desafíos y contratiempos. Hay muchos problemas en nuestra vida diaria, como las malas relaciones. El modelo es muy importante en mi vida diaria porque puedo aprender cosas nuevas del modelo. Además, yo puedo superar los problemas con el modelo. 


Tenía muchos problemas cuando tenía ocho años. Lo que más me molestó fue mi relación con mi madre. Mi madre no me hablaba porque ella quería trabajar. Debido a mi madre, no me gustaba hablar con las personas. En mi opinión, pensaba que nadie quería hablar conmigo como mi madre. ¡Qué solitario! 

Una tarde nublada, mi abuelo me preguntó si necesitaba ayuda porque me negué a hablar todala semana pasada. No quería contarle a mi abuelo sobre mi problema. Por lo tanto, le pregunté otra cosa.

Las personas reaccionan a un problema de maneras diferentes y tienen actitudes diferentes. ¿Por qué?

Mi abuelo se quedó impactado cuando oyó mi problema con silencio porque no lo esperaba. No sabía explicar, así que decidió contarme una alegoría china.


“Hace mucho tiempo, una granjero perdió su pala y creía que su vecino robó la pala. El granjero siguió a su vecino porque creía que su vecino era un ladrón. A medida que pasaba el tiempo, el granjero sospechaba a su vecino. El granjero observó que su vecino tenía manos de ladrón, tenía ojos de ladrón, tenía cejas de ladrón y tenía orejas de ladrón. Además, el granjero descubrió que su vecino era un ladrón porque las conversaciones de su vecino eran las conversaciones de un ladrón. Sin embargo, al final, descubrió que su vecino no era un ladrón cuando encontró su pala en el granero, ” mi abuelo dijo despacio.


¿Hay alguna conexión entre la historia y el problema? Yo dije con cuidado. Quería hacer más preguntas, pero tenía miedo de mi abuelo.

Mi abuelo era muy alto y usaba gafas grandes porque no veía de cerca. Aunque no  había desconocidos, le gustaba usar el esmoquin. Además, le gustaba sentarse en su silla verde y leer libros de la estantería grande todos los días. Parecía completamente indiferente a primera vista porque él tenía ojos escalofriantes.


“Te pruebas los zapatos si quieres comprar zapatos nuevos, ¿no? Tu madre no puede comprarte esos zapatos porque no sabe tu número. Similarmente, necesitas entender el punto de vista de las personas para entenderlas bien. Necesitas entender las dificultades de tu madre," dijo mi abuelo profundamente. Entonces entendí la analogía.


Mi abuelo es importante para mí porque me da muchas lecciones. Esas lecciones son muy útiles y me ayudan a darme cuenta de que malinterpretaba a mi madre.  Ella trabaja horas extras para alimentar a la familia y nunca se queja. Además, ella compra cosas nuevas para alegrarme cuando estoy aburrido. Como consecuencia de mi abuelo, yo entendí que las apariencias engañan.


My Grandfather is my Hero


Life inevitably gives us challenges and setbacks. Failed relationships, failed businesses, and health problems are common experiences in our lives. Even though everyone may not have the same role model, the person we look up to is the light that illuminates the darkness. The role model serves a powerful purpose in our daily life since we can learn from them in different ways. As a result, we have to overcome those challenges as time goes by. 


When I was around eight years old, I was having a lot of trouble. The one that bothered me the most was my relationship with my mother. My mother was so devoted to her job that she did not usually play with me or talk with me. In addition, I was afraid to share my experience with others since it might bother other people as well. Therefore, I could barely talk to anyone since I felt others would ignore me as well; I was engulfed by loneliness. 

Fortunately, My grandfather came to me on a cloudy afternoon. He asked me if I needed any help or not because he realized that I was in a bad mood for the entire week. I thought that he would penalize me if I told him the truth so I was so scared to tell him. Instead of telling the whole truth, I asked him some questions that were related to my problem.


Why did some people have different reactions even though they were in the same situation? Why did they have brash attitudes toward someone else who does not mean to offend anyone? 


My grandfather was shocked the first time and remained silent. He did not expect that I would ask this kind of question. Moreover, he did not know how to explain it to an eight years old child. So, he decided to tell me a Chinese allegory.


“Long long ago, a farmer had lost his shovel. He contended that his neighbor stole it. Then, he began to scrutinize his neighbor’s every step. When he looked at his neighbor the next day, he saw that he was walking like a thief. He noticed that his speech was filled with mendacity. Moreover, he thought his neighbor's face was filled with guilt. Everything he did made it appear as if he was committing the crime. Yet, the following day, the farmer found his shovel in his barn where he had carefully left it weeks before. Surprisingly, he found out that his neighbor no longer looked like a thief; there was no sign of theft in his face, nor in his words,” my grandfather said it slowly and amiably.


“How does this relate to my question?” My round eyes were shining with curiosity and anticipation. However, I was afraid to ask more questions because of my grandfather. 


My grandfather was a tall person with enormous glasses. He always dressed in a tuxedo, even though there were no strangers. Every morning and night he would sit in his old green recliner by the table lamp and read books from his giant bookshelf. He was an indifferent person at the first glance; his eyes were sharp and suspicious. 


“If you want to buy a new pair of shoes, then you have to try them out. Right? Your mother does not know whether the shoes fit in with you or not. By analogy, you have to put yourself in others’ perspectives rather than yours because many people judge others before they know the whole story. If someone is not trying to put himself in someone else’s circumstances or learn the whole story, then the person will have stereotypes.” My grandfather explained exhaustively and primitively in order to indicate a brief understanding of empathy. 


My grandfather was the lightkeeper in my life; he was actually the person that shaped me into who I am. As I grew older and older, abstract words from my grandfather became more and more meaningful to me. I realized that I had prejudiced my mother until I put myself into her shoes. She had to work hours in order to support my family and she never grumbled about anything to me. She took care of me in my darkest days and cheered me up when I was bored. 

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