The Literary Magazine of the World Languages of Midwood High School at Brooklyn College
Koronavirus je promijenio način na koji radimo, igramo se i učimo. Promenio je način na koji kupujemo. Kako komuniciramo sa našim prijateljima i porodicom. Škole su zatvorene za ostatak godine, a košarkaški obruči su uklonjeni iz parkova. Mnogi ljudi poput mene se pitaju, kada će se život vratiti u normalu?
Čitav mi se život prebacio na virtualni. Internet koristim za obavljanje školskih poslova. Koristim ga za komunikaciju sa prijateljima i porodicom. To je jedini način da svi sada zaustave širenje bolesti. Nošenje maske, pranje ruku, kašljanje u laktovima i držanje najmanje šest stopa od drugih, nova je stvarnost.
Iskreno nikada nisam mislio da će se u mom životu dogoditi pandemija. Osjećate se kao da se takve stvari nikada ne mogu dogoditi. Uvijek sam očekivao da će košarka biti tu. Zbog socijalne distanciranja oduzeta mi je. Stvari su odložene, stavljene u perspektivu. Shvatio sam da je sve privremeno. Shvatio sam da sam sretan da imam svoje zdravlje, krov nad glavom, hranu na stolu, prijatelje i porodicu koji su zdravi. Zbog toga sam cijenio tišinu vani. Zvukovi koje čujem u rano jutro su ptice kako cvrkutaju i vjetrovi koji zvižde kroz drveće. Nažalost, mnogi nemaju istu sreću. Karantina me natjerala da njegujem te stvari.
Provodim svoje slobodno vrijeme nadoknađujući propušteni školski rad. Radim razne vježbe u mom domu. Vozim biciklo češće. Gledanje netflixa i igranje virtualnih sportova. Virtualni sportovi su spasili moj razum i pomoglo mi je da se ne osjećam izolirano. Iako to nije isto kao što je fizički igrati, raduje me kad moji prijatelji viču „daj loptu“ kroz zvucnik. Nazalost, postoji mnogo ljudi širom svijeta koji pate od COVID-19 i posljedica toga. Važno je biti od pomoći ljudima kojima je to potrebno.
Vjerujem da je budućnost neizvjesna. Nadam se da će se stvari vratiti u normalu i nadam se da ću dobiti priliku da radim stvari koje želim raditi u životu. Mislim da se ovdje može nešto naučiti, a to je biti zahvalan za život.
The coronavirus has changed how we work, play and learn. It has changed the way we shop. How we interact with our friends and family. Schools are closed for the rest of the year and basketball hoops have been removed from the parks. It has left many people like myself wondering, when will life get back to normal?
My entire life has switched to a virtual one. I use the internet to do schoolwork. I use it to communicate with my friends and family. This is the only way now for everyone to stop the spread of the disease. Wearing a mask, washing your hands, coughing into your elbows, and staying at least six feet away from others, is the new reality.
I honestly never thought a pandemic would happen in my lifetime. You feel like things like this can never happen. For myself, I always expected basketball to be there. Due to social distancing, it was taken away. It really put things into perspective. It made me realize that everything is temporary. It made me realize how fortunate I am to have my health, a roof over my head, food on the table, friends and family that are healthy. It made me appreciate the quiet outside. The sounds I hear in the early morning are the birds chirping and the winds whistling through the trees. Many people unfortunately do not have the same luck. Quarantine has made me cherish these things.
I have been spending my free time catching up on missed school work. Exercising in my home. Riding my bike more often. Watching netflix, and playing virtual sports. Virtual sports have benefited my sanity and made me not feel isolated. While it isn’t the same thing as playing physically, it makes me happy to hear my friends shout “pass the ball” through my airpod.
Sadly, there are quite a lot of people around the world struggling far more than I am right now. It is important to help people in need and be decent human beings. I believe the future is uncertain going forward. I hope things will get back to normal and I hope that I will get the opportunity to do the things I want to do in my life. I think there is something to be learned here and that is to be grateful for life.